The GREAT NEWS is no surgery. I really hate surgery. Also no radiation. That's a positive. Hopefully, no chemotherapy. The doctor is giving me a pill called Femara that is a hormone blocker. He said it will take 6-8 weeks to tell if it will be effective. I'll go back in 8 weeks to see if it's reducing the cancer. I've taken similar drugs before and they made me feel achy (is that a word?) in my bones. I remember telling the doctor in Memphis that they made me feel like I was 103 years old. This is a different drug, so I want to hope for the best. If the drug is not effective, I'll take chemo- the ole quick and dirty method.
Bill is more hopeful than before so I'm grateful for that. I'm not sure yet what I feel. Relieved about no surgery, scared, grateful it's not worse. There are all kinds of thoughts roaming through my head. Bill and I are going to run away tomorrow. We are ready for a break. I'll probably "process" some then. I'll keep you informed.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your love and prayers. They mean so much!
Thank you Mary for that update- very interesting. I'm relieved that you don't have to have surgery again. I join the prayers that the hormone will do it's intended job, and that you will feel well. I'm glad that you & William are getting away- you need & deserve some time to be still & know. May you both be surrounded by the awareness of the loving presence of your Creator/ Redeemer/ Sanctifier. I love you and want you around for a VERY long time :-).
We pray without ceasing for you.
Love, Jack and Randa
I hope your weekend away is delightful :). I love you.
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