Thursday, October 22, 2009

Cancer is a PAIN IN THE BUTT!!!

I mean that literally folks! Have you ever even heard of cancer in the gluts? Me neither. I have it. Don't laugh, I really do. It's in my left "cheek" just below my hip bone. People have accused me of being a pain in the butt at different times in my life (and in different ways), but I'd have never guessed this! I also have it in a place in the middle of my back beside (but not on) my spine. I also have it in my stomach and in one lymph node behind my abdominal wall. The doctor said this is very rare to have it in these places-particularly the gluts and back.

The GREAT NEWS is no surgery. I really hate surgery. Also no radiation. That's a positive. Hopefully, no chemotherapy. The doctor is giving me a pill called Femara that is a hormone blocker. He said it will take 6-8 weeks to tell if it will be effective. I'll go back in 8 weeks to see if it's reducing the cancer. I've taken similar drugs before and they made me feel achy (is that a word?) in my bones. I remember telling the doctor in Memphis that they made me feel like I was 103 years old. This is a different drug, so I want to hope for the best. If the drug is not effective, I'll take chemo- the ole quick and dirty method.

Bill is more hopeful than before so I'm grateful for that. I'm not sure yet what I feel. Relieved about no surgery, scared, grateful it's not worse. There are all kinds of thoughts roaming through my head. Bill and I are going to run away tomorrow. We are ready for a break. I'll probably "process" some then. I'll keep you informed.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your love and prayers. They mean so much!


LAsyoung said...

Thank you Mary for that update- very interesting. I'm relieved that you don't have to have surgery again. I join the prayers that the hormone will do it's intended job, and that you will feel well. I'm glad that you & William are getting away- you need & deserve some time to be still & know. May you both be surrounded by the awareness of the loving presence of your Creator/ Redeemer/ Sanctifier. I love you and want you around for a VERY long time :-).

Unknown said...

We pray without ceasing for you.

Love, Jack and Randa

Emalee said...

I hope your weekend away is delightful :). I love you.