Sunday, October 18, 2009

Let Start At The Very Beginning- A Very Good Place To Start

Let's Start At the Very Beginning-A Very Good Place to Start

Don't you just love The Sound of Music? I'd love to be on top of a mountain right now twirling around and singing.

In Jan. of 2003 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This came as a surprise-but not a shock.
I have a huge history of breast cancer in my family. My aunt, grandmother, great grandmother and her half sister all died of breast cancer.

I found my lump one freezing night on Memphis. I had begged my husband to build a fire-it was 7 degrees outside! I put on my gown by the fire, crossed my hands over my chest, and said "I'm still freezing!" That's when I felt it. My left breast had what I thought was a lump in it. I said, "Bill, come feel this place on my breast." He's happily complied. I knew. Right then. I just knew. I called the mammography center the next day and made an appointment. After what felt like an eternal wait I got confirmation. I had breast cancer.

1 comment:

Emalee said...

Mama, Thanks for writing your story. I love you.