Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Productive "Break"

Once every two or three months when I would get a few hours to myself, I would give myself a “break” by cooking for hours! I’d prepare two lasagnas and two meat loafs and two squash casseroles (or whatever else freezes well).

I might cook two chickens and cut up the chicken and put it in zip-lock bags ready for whatever I wanted to use it for. I would usually use the chicken broth to make homemade soup. When it is done, I would measure out how much you would expect would serve your family for a meal and freeze it! All could go in the freezer and when those hectic days come I did not even have to think. It was ready.

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

this is a great tip! I am so happy with myself when I am prepared with meals in the freezer! Thanks for teaching me mom!