Before kids bedtime have them get their backpacks ready for the next day and put them by the door going out to the car.
Have kids put up any toys or “stuff” they have taken out. It’s their room, it should be their responsibility. Even two year olds can do this.
Remember this! It’s not a kindness to do things for your child that they are able to do for themselves. It’s all part of learning. They should have growing responsibilities and growing independence all through their lives.
Get out clothes for the next day. Let them pick out and you approve.
In the mornings get them in the habit of making up their beds before school and putting up their pj’s. Kids can start this at age 4 with Mom’s help. They should be doing it totally on their own by age 5. (Hint-Don’t correct their beds after they leave home. They learn that they can never do it well enough to please Mom. Just train them well. If it’s not magazine cover ready it’s OK!) Their room should be straight from the night before. This eliminates the needs for you to have any clean up in their rooms for the day. It starts out as a discipline for you, it ends up as a discipline for them.